- We're with John Kelly,
John is a personal injury attorney in Phoenix,
Arizona and he's agreed to answer online questions. This one was specifically
related to accidents involving not wearing
a helmet, essentially, on a motorcycle. Um, so here is the question, the question is from Aaron. "We ride through Arizona a lot.
I know you don't need
to wear a helmet on a motorcycle, as far as
the state is concerned, but I don't know how that
works with insurance. Can I file a claim if
I get into an accident without a helmet on?" - Ah, that is a great
question that Aaron has. A lot of people do ride
in Arizona, without a helmet and unlike many states, there is no statute
that requires them to have a helmet on. So it's a situation
where you have a lot of people that get
into accidents, and are injured and
weren't wearing a helmet.
You still do have a claim,
especially if the other party was negligent in
causing the accident. However, you have
to be aware that if you're not gonna
to wear a helmet, you risk getting an
injury that you are held to have
contributed towards. So it's very similar
to, in your car, if you're not wearing a seatbelt and you get a head injury. If you're on a bike and
you get a head injury, and you didn't have a helmet on, you're still gonna have
a claim but it's gonna be a tougher road
because the insurance company's gonna just
say that you were contributing to your
injuries and that if you weren't wearing a helmet,
which is standard safety.
That you would have never
had that kind of injury, so it's something that you
definitely want to consider. While driving in
Arizona it's probably a good idea to wear a helmet. - All right, thanks for your
answer and if you have any additional questions for
John all you need to do is post em in the comments
section below, thanks John. - Thank you..
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